Wednesday, December 3, 2008

When I discovered something

Today December 3rd 2008 I discorvered something about myself and felt amazed about it. I discovered about the place where I am the weakest. I am the weakest around my neck, I got hit by a really soft ball on my neck. It hurted a lot and it felt as if I opened a new world.

I at the same time, felt nothing at all. I felt something and nothing, and it was the strangest feeling in my whole life until now. Everything I looked at that moment, was totall one color white. It took five minutes to recover and after that I could see but it still hurted.

I started to pet my dog, and the first thing my dog did was, struggling to get to the place I got hurt and started to lick it for a long time. I did not really care about my dog licking me because it felt good at all. And still something told me it did not feel right at all.

I stopped thinking about it and put a bandage around it, let it be and went to lie down for a minute. That is what I did after, I lay down on the bed in front of the television and slept.
When I woke up, a movie was playing my mom immediatly gave me dinner and we watched a movie together. I did not feel the pain anymore, but I did discover something: I hav a weak place.


I'm writing this post about myself because I want my readers to know how I feel and think. I write about my life mostly because I have nothing else to do. When I do that I still think, I brainstorm my ideas first, I organize after and then start my post.

I love to write about random things that happen in my life, because I am able to tell other people what happens when I am at home. This time I will tell you about myself and the way I think and feel.

This paragraph will be about me listening music and my mom falling asleep. When I listen to slow music on the microphone, my mom falls asleep and when I listen rock or rap music, my mother wakes up. I find this weird because it is as if my mother listens to the music I listen to.
Now my mom is sleeping and I am typing softly. We have a bed right in front of the television and next to that a computer I am writing on. I am now going to put loud music on and see if my mom wakes up. I am waiting for two minutes and I will see what happens.
She wakes up again! Now I will ask if she can hear my music, she doesn't so again I find it a little bit weird. I want to try this two more times and see what happens. This will take a while so I will stop writing this post so you don't have to wait too long.
If you want to know, send me a comment and I will tell you. The next one will be about another piece of my regular life.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is happening right now.

Please be very quiet now, there is someone outside my house trying to open the doors. It is a Malaysian man and he climbed over the cemetry wall to come to my yard and probably steal something. The door is closed so he cannot come in, but he still tries to. My mother is gone, my brother and father are gone and there is thunder and lightning. I'm really scared right now and no one is close to help me.

You could make a Halloween movie out of this, there is a boy inside a house and someone tries to open the doors, but he can't. The boy thinks the man is gone because there is no sound, but when the boy moves, the man also moves and tries to tell the boy that he is still there.

This is real and I am not joking, i'm trying to stay calm and i'm trying not to move. Right now I am scared and I am trying to stay happy or be happy. Don't laugh because I am not having fun right now. I just write this because I want to do something and actually think of something else then this.

This all happened when my dog started to bark, I went outside and saw there were monkeys. I walked to Piak and wanted to take her inside, but when I looked at the cemetry wall there was a man looking at me, the man was nearly over the wall. I tried to take Piak but I could not, she thought I wanted to play. I put all my energy in taking my dog and when I got her, I ran inside with the dog and locked the door.

After that I did not know what to do so I called my mom and started this post. Listened to music what always makes me happy and waited until someone came home. My brother came home first and just walked slowly and did not know about anything. I called him and told him to hurry and come inside. I was happy he listened to me because sometimes he does not.

Now I am with my brother, dog and computer. I hope that will be enough to wait for a while. Thats when I started to wait patiently, I went on with writing and just waited. I stopped and listened carefully with my ear against the window, I heared foot steps and another noise I did not recognize.

Help me soon! Help me now! Help me immediatly!HELP!