Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Going from ESL to humanities.

This trimester I started off doing ESL. I had no problems in ESL and could understand enough to get a good grade. The first trimester I had fun in ESL and started to like it, when something new happend. I could really feel it coming and was asking myself what it could be. That is the question that lived in my head for a week or so when I started to feel the feeling coming. I was suprised and waited and waited, until it came.

That is when it came, November the 9th 2008. In the morning I went to my ESL teacher to hand my writing in (Ms.Nadaraj was my teacher). I said thank you, opened the door, but my teacher said "wait". I came back and asked her what was wrong. She said "I want you to get a letter from me at the end of the day." I said "OK" did not get but walked away. She finally said "OK i have good news for you, you are going to move onto humanities." My heart beat stopped and I wanted to jump into the air but said to myself, "don't do it, take it easy and just leave it". I did what I told myself to do and waited for my teacher to talk. She then finally said, after waiting for a few seconds, "I want you to keep it quiet, OK?" I just said "yes" but was not sure if I could.

I went outside the room and screamed as loud as I could: YES, YES, YES!!!!!!! I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I went back to my locker, which I left open, with my arms wide, feet and legs high in the air and screaming of happiness.
I thought: this is the best thing tha could ever happen! Then I had to bring my PE clothes to my locker and walked by all my friends, trying to be quiet. All I thought of was: "this is too hard". That was the one sentence that flew through my head, these four words, "this is too hard". It flew through my head for maybe five more minutes, until Kaori came up to me and said: what's up? Nothing, I said trying to act normal. I think it works, I thought. And you know what? It didn't, Kaori said: what's wrong? With me there is nothing wrong I said. Well it looks like it, Kaori said. No really i'm OK, I said again and again. Can you please tell me she asked me. That's when I told her a lie, what I don't like to do: Well I wasn't able to finish my homework at home, so the teacher got mad at me. What teacher, Kaori asked. What teacher got mad at you Kaori asked then. Mr.Sheflin I answered. Ohh she replied, he is fine.

The day after, three ESL students came up to me and said, are you going to humanities, all at the same time. So they know, I thought, how? That was the moment I thought Ms.Nadaraj told them I was going to move on. So guess what I did. I went up to all my friends and told them about what happened. Everyone was happy for me and congratulated me.
That was a happy day for me. I did what I was told to do and waited until the second trimester, to go to humanities in Ms.Reiser's class.


  1. w00t ! congratulations AGAIN, sally.
    i hope you're having fun in humanities :]
    especially....WITH MEEE!! XDD

  2. Thank you, of course i'm having fun in humanities especially with you. HAHA.

  3. Congratulations!! Its sad that we dont have humanities together but, GREAT JOB!! You only have been to ISKL like short time but(last January right?) your English is like better than mine!! AHHHH!! Well GOOD FOB!!

  4. woot woot!

    very good lah dutchy well done lah good vocab i think ur really good becuase you have just moved from esl to humainties.

    Good Job

  5. Hi, Sal. I'm SeJin. I was in ESL3 with you in trimester 1.. and I'm still in ESL3.. Well. I think it's because I don't read and I don't try my best.. Well.. by reading this post made me really want to get out of ESL.. I don't know if I can. but in 7th grade I will.. Thank you for writing this post. I will write a post like this if I get out of ESL. (^^)
