Sunday, January 30, 2011

Learning Profile - E

The Learning Profile lesson taught me that I am a kinesthetic, visual learner who needs time alone when in stress and needs to have quiet time without anybody bugging me. The lazy 8's help me when in stress and I like to talk when explaining myself and maybe sometimes act out what I mean. Therefore, I learn best when I move and am calm and I am enjoying myself in some way, it doesn't have to be too entertaining, but there has to be something that makes me want to learn. I need to sit at the back of the class and have a visual over everybody, with my left ear to the front of the class-room. The strategy that would help in my learning is having something to do while listening or following directions in class, I need to be alone in a quiet space where I can think to myself. I would like my teachers to understand I am somebody who would like to talk and ask very complicated questions if and when I am confused. I would like to walk in circles when thinking to create a better level of work.

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