Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Stolen Generation, Realization

These aboriginals started off with a perfectly enjoyable life that they were used to, their family caring for them, learning how to hunt and how to live like their past generations. These children were innocent boys and girls, stolen away from their mothers and forced to stop speaking their own language. How would you have it, being pulled away from your parents, forced to do strange things that you were not used to. This was making their lives miserable, being forced to do things all the time. And then by instinct escaping, walking back home 800 miles, walking! Once they finally made it, they got stolen again, and escaped again. What would you feel like if you were in this position? How about twice? Look at what you have done, and realize that an easy; “Sorry” could make it better, try it!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Stolen Ones

On March 24, 2011 my humanities class and I watched a movie called: Rabbit Proof Fence. Molly is the main character in this amazing story, our objective was to define a hero and proof whether Molly was one or not. Molly was an ordinary girl who is growing up like any other aboriginal girl, she is learnig how to track and how to hunt. Very soon the British men especially A.O. Neville start to notice Molly and plan to take her away. In a matter of days, they take her and her sisters away from her family and bring her to a Gulag (a labor camp for the education of maids and buttlers). After Molly and her sisters have been at the camp for a few days, she feels like it is a bad place and she realises the she should escape. Like I have said before on my discussion sheet, I thought a hero is a person who helps and saves themselves and other people. This is exactely what Molly did, shes escapes the camp and uses her hunting and tracking skills so they do not get caught.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Learning Profile - E

The Learning Profile lesson taught me that I am a kinesthetic, visual learner who needs time alone when in stress and needs to have quiet time without anybody bugging me. The lazy 8's help me when in stress and I like to talk when explaining myself and maybe sometimes act out what I mean. Therefore, I learn best when I move and am calm and I am enjoying myself in some way, it doesn't have to be too entertaining, but there has to be something that makes me want to learn. I need to sit at the back of the class and have a visual over everybody, with my left ear to the front of the class-room. The strategy that would help in my learning is having something to do while listening or following directions in class, I need to be alone in a quiet space where I can think to myself. I would like my teachers to understand I am somebody who would like to talk and ask very complicated questions if and when I am confused. I would like to walk in circles when thinking to create a better level of work.