Monday, September 6, 2010

My Favorite Short Story From the Unit

During the unit of short stories, we read three short stories: The Sniper, Lamb to the Slaughter, and Thank You, Ma'am. When I had to chose a favorite I decided to choose the one that had an interesting plot, and different ideas through out the story, which I thought was Thank You Ma'am. The author of this short story was Langston Hughes, reading his story, I thought that the things that happened in the story happened to him as a young boy. It excited me by the action in the beginning and the continuous suprises. I enjoyed this unit a lot!


  1. I didn't really enjoy the story because throughout the entire plot, there is nothing catchy or even exciting.

  2. I agree with Ib because I thought the story was boring and uneventful. I thought the characters were great but there was nothing that truly caught my attention!
