Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Funky Ideas

A lot of times new ideas come from peers or siblings, but most of the time really it comes form your imagination and the way you think. Sometimes new ideas come from past experiences and memories. So the quote that concludes this, is that scientis have proven ideas simply form in the brain: "All ideas come from the brain, whether it was formed in the head or said to the person.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Favorite Short Story From the Unit

During the unit of short stories, we read three short stories: The Sniper, Lamb to the Slaughter, and Thank You, Ma'am. When I had to chose a favorite I decided to choose the one that had an interesting plot, and different ideas through out the story, which I thought was Thank You Ma'am. The author of this short story was Langston Hughes, reading his story, I thought that the things that happened in the story happened to him as a young boy. It excited me by the action in the beginning and the continuous suprises. I enjoyed this unit a lot!