Friday, September 25, 2009

Orphan Boy and Pandora

The Greek Myth: Pandora and the Orphan boy from Africa, demonstrates how curiosity can be tricky and dangerous, and can often lead to destruction and peace. If the Old Man from Orphan Boy didn't follow the powerful boy because he was curious, than he wouldn't have left. Than the cows wouldn't have died and the grass wouldn't be gone. In Pandora it would almost be the same thing. If Pandora didn't open the box no horror would have come to the world, although Hope wouldn't be there either. To conclude, curiosity can be tricky and dangerous in the way of choosing right or wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Name

“The Name of the Sea”, the name that is un-occupied. I rarely find anyone else with this strong name. The definition of salt, the elegant way to work. The Portuguese name that is used by the thinkers.

This may seem a little strange, but these are the Portuguese meanings of the name; Sal. When we are talking English, it is hard to pronounce and explain. Some people pronounce it is as Saawwwll… which I don’t appreciate too much, but which I do understand. Although where I come from, it is pronounced and understood. De Nederlanden, also know as The Netherlands, Holland. When I talk to you about the Portuguese, you might wonder what it has to do with Holland; well, I’ll tell you how this came to be: My mother has lived in Portugal from quite some time. When she was there, she discovered about this name, and that it meant salt. The name also comes from the smart King Salomon.

The short, simply tough name, that is always nice to know about. I the one who belongs to the sea, the Portuguese salt, is also called Sal.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why is it chosen?

The chosen picture, the chosen quote, but no name. The picture of freedom that represents life is chosen by me because it is a beautiful picture of our world. Where anyone can be, and the place that everybody likes and enjoys. The mountains. They are another wonderful part of our world. That everyone has to experience and then remember. And this chosen quote of mine gave me a twinkling feeling all over my body. To me it represents the saying of the unknown. The part that is unknown to humans but also the part that needs to be known. This is one of those sayings that actually has more than one meaning. It has your chosen feeling... It can be anything YOU want.