Sunday, October 11, 2009

Common Elements in Creation Myths

When some people think about myths they think about the past, and then they wonder what could have happened in the past that affects the future. As many people know, myths have been in our world a long, long time. Yet it is so interesting how much they have in common, even though the myths from different countries are so far apart from each other. Some of the important common themes in all of the creation myths around the world are: creators and destroyers; supreme beings and the existence of Yin and Yang (good vs. evil). It is understandable that creation myths are all about making/creating the world and when it’s done, the thing or person that created the world is suddenly vanished again. That is why it’s a creation myth and people can’t proof if the story is real or not. There are many myths telling about creators that make everything, and destroyers that come by and eliminate it all again. After it is worked out, our world is exposed, and humans live like they do now. The Nahutal Myth tells about a creator who makes five worlds and four of them are destroyed. The Yoruba Myth also explains creators and destroyers, where one guy creates people but isn’t satisfied. Then he destroys them and then creates new ones and succeeds. Other myths explain about supreme beings that create humans and the world because they are bored and lonely and don’t know what else to do. Like with Phan Ku the creator, a Chinese Myth where his flees are the people, and he creates everything when he dies. They start to try and make something and finally succeed after time. The Guinean myth also uses this them the supreme creator who is the god. One of the most used themes in creation myths is good vs. evil. It is used in almost every myth, or good vs. evil is sky vs. earth. It is also used as the good wants peace and the bad wants to rule everything. Like in the Babylonian Myth, there is good vs. evil fighting and the evil wins, and it still works out like it was supposed to. Mostly the good wins and keeps it to peace, but sometimes the bad wins and creates the world just as the good would. This also in the Norse creation myth where there is a war and it still works out like its supposed to. This is a very funny theme because either way whether it is good or bad it always works out as it’s supposed to. When these myths are created it is always mysterious why the people made it and how the creators came to it. After you have searched for the creators, you may have found something out. And then you will know thProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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the roots that clutch around us is our shell, which is also known as the making of our world.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Orphan Boy and Pandora

The Greek Myth: Pandora and the Orphan boy from Africa, demonstrates how curiosity can be tricky and dangerous, and can often lead to destruction and peace. If the Old Man from Orphan Boy didn't follow the powerful boy because he was curious, than he wouldn't have left. Than the cows wouldn't have died and the grass wouldn't be gone. In Pandora it would almost be the same thing. If Pandora didn't open the box no horror would have come to the world, although Hope wouldn't be there either. To conclude, curiosity can be tricky and dangerous in the way of choosing right or wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Name

“The Name of the Sea”, the name that is un-occupied. I rarely find anyone else with this strong name. The definition of salt, the elegant way to work. The Portuguese name that is used by the thinkers.

This may seem a little strange, but these are the Portuguese meanings of the name; Sal. When we are talking English, it is hard to pronounce and explain. Some people pronounce it is as Saawwwll… which I don’t appreciate too much, but which I do understand. Although where I come from, it is pronounced and understood. De Nederlanden, also know as The Netherlands, Holland. When I talk to you about the Portuguese, you might wonder what it has to do with Holland; well, I’ll tell you how this came to be: My mother has lived in Portugal from quite some time. When she was there, she discovered about this name, and that it meant salt. The name also comes from the smart King Salomon.

The short, simply tough name, that is always nice to know about. I the one who belongs to the sea, the Portuguese salt, is also called Sal.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why is it chosen?

The chosen picture, the chosen quote, but no name. The picture of freedom that represents life is chosen by me because it is a beautiful picture of our world. Where anyone can be, and the place that everybody likes and enjoys. The mountains. They are another wonderful part of our world. That everyone has to experience and then remember. And this chosen quote of mine gave me a twinkling feeling all over my body. To me it represents the saying of the unknown. The part that is unknown to humans but also the part that needs to be known. This is one of those sayings that actually has more than one meaning. It has your chosen feeling... It can be anything YOU want.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My first Malaysia Week

I went on my first and most special malaysia week site. I went to sungai slim, river slim. And what I liked the most about the site was that it was easy, everything went slow and relaxed.

I had a few good friends already, but I also made new friends on the way. I enjoyed doing everything slow and easy and always resting after a while.

We had lots of free time and we could swim in the river slim right next to our campsite! There also was a log where we could jump off. It was pretty high, like two meters in the air and four meters down in the water.

In the evening the Orang Asli women and children would come over to our dinner - table and they would teach us how to weave. We wove a headress and a basket.

We went for a kayaking trip where people would bang into the riverside and run into trees and people even fellout the kayaks at strong rapids. Only my friend and I did not. We also went for a rafting trip were we enjoyed the waterfalls and the strong current that ran through the river.

We had a soccer - match against the Orang Asli boys. Although we lost really badly, it was still alot of fun.

Only what I enjoyed the most was hanging out and the free time we got to have. Playing cards and learning new games, solving questions and having fun with each other. But what always, yes always is important is learning to know each other better.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

About my vacation

I want to tell you about my wonderful, sad, and gorgeous vacation I had in Thailand, Ko Samet, Bankok and Holland.

At first I went to the airport to catch a flight. When we arrived in Bankok there was a really nice man, who showed us the way and helped us get a taxi. When we got a taxi, with a very nice driver, he told us how long the drive would take, he told us it would take three hours.

The driver didn't drop us off at our destination, but at a speed boat that was waiting for us. It took us to the Ao Phrao Resort, a nice, romantic, and most importantly, beautiful resort. The resort was on the beach, and a variety of restaurants and guest houses.

When we arrived at the resort, three people ran up to us, two strong men and one woman. The woman was from the guest houses, and the men were porters. Another man came and offered us fruit cocktails. Everyone seemed very nice. We felt happy when we arrived. After all the traveling I felt too tired to even keep my eyelids open. I had a good night's sleep and didn't wake up until late the next morning.

The first day I explored the area. I found a snake, a knife and a dead fish. We stayed at Ao Phrao Resort for a week and returned to Bankok to see the city center.

In Bankok we had this really small, cute hotel. There was a shower in the closet, a bath and a jacuzzi, and of course... a toilet. We had stairs in the room. The same day my brother and I stayed up all night and watched seven movies. The next morning we were so tired that we fell asleep while eating breakfast.

While at the hotel, my grandmother called my mom and dad to say that my grandfather was in the hospital. We all rushed back to Holland to see my grandfather. We stayed in a hotel, but visited my grandfather twice a day.

A week later, we returned to Malayasia and waited for news from my grandmother. Today, we are still waiting.