Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi's Dome

Looking at Brunelleschi’s past and his achievements, I think he had a lot of courage. When he went to present his idea of the dome, he had to stand up to a lot of very important people. He was disapproved, everybody thought he was absolutely nuts. He was scared and embarrassed after his presentation, so he stayed home for a few days. He thought of a better idea to represent his idea, maybe even without words. He showed his idea with an egg; an egg has a dome shaped top. He asked the gentlemen (there were no women) to balance the egg on its bottom. Everybody failed, and Brunelleschi showed his idea, slamming the egg slightly on the table. He balanced it properly without allowing it to fall. The gentlemen were flattered and jealous, Brunelleschi’s idea had worked. I think this showed a lot of courage of him. Even though he was disapproved, he came back with another idea and was not afraid. To me this showed how he found the idea of the dome and also his allowance to be the one to build it.