Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love can be shared, but never bought.

Discovering what I believe in was easy. But expressing it in a good way so that people will understand what I mean was not as easy. I practiced, wrote drafts and talked to my parents about it. Finally, I got a few interesting ways to express myself.

Almost every morning, I walk into my grade’s deck. I say: “good morning” and “hello” to people and wait for a response. One day people don’t respond and look at me as if I’m crazy, and I feel rejected. But when the next morning I ask the same person again, they smile and happily respond with a rather long answer. Every time this happens, I think to myself: “that’s weird…”

That’s why I think sometimes people are rather harsh, and sometimes the same people are friendly and very nice. I think this shows mood-swings, but also love that emerges from people, which sometimes may take time. It shows kindness and respect to another even though we are just children in the seventh grade.

At school, we have house t-shirts, and on the back of those it says a few important words which I like to relate this piece of writing to. The words are: honesty, kindness, responsibility and respect.

I believe that love exists in everybody. Some people may not see it or notice it yet, but everybody has it in them since they were born as a baby. That’s why I believe in the life-style of animals, in fairness, honesty, kindness, responsibility and respect. I even sometimes believe in myself. Having talked to my parents, they say I should believe in myself a lot more.

Whatever you believe in, I know that it is ok, and I hope everybody does and that it‘s fine to share your feelings and thoughts. That is why I share what I believe in with my heart and with pride, and especially my love.

Picture source:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Battle for the English Throne

The game we I played as a class in my 7th grade Humanities class, was educational. It is a game where you can choose what you want to select (multiple choice). When you click the right answer you have another ch0ice of two selections. Everytime you pick an answer, something would happen. What I enjoyed about the game were the reactions of the voices, especially the foot-soldiers. I learned what were the consequences when you picked the wrong answer. The Battle of Hastings (where the game was based on), occured in Hastings in the south of England in 1066. William Duke of Normandy, attacked from the south after a ruthless battle in the North. Harold Godwinson (English) arrived at night where they attacked immeadatly when the Normans were still sleeping, killing hundreds. The English set up a shield wall just on top of the hill of Hastings, that is how they dominated the battle. After a number of fake retreats and side and back attacks by William, Harold falls, and William wins and becomes King of Enlgand. I think this is a good learning experience because for kids playing a game as homework motivates them, and it was another way of sending the knowledge to the kids in my class.