Monday, April 26, 2010

The Life of a Teenage Girl

In the Historical Fiction Novel: Catherine Called Birdy written by Karen Cushman, Catherine the main character leads a complicated and extremely frustrating life of a teenage girl. The story is led without gender equality, with the lack of freedom and the power of the church, which takes place in the Medieval Britain. Girls and women meant absolutely nothing in those times; they were ignored and only used for the boring and hard work of life. Men had the power over everything; they would decide what people were going to do, instead of people deciding for themselves. Since Catherine is a girl, she was nothing, the only thing that made her more important was that she was the daughter of a country knight, who had a village and a dozen servants. She had no freedom, since she had to learn how to be a lady and learn how to do the hard and boring work. In Medieval time, the Church was more important and more powerful that now. Every day there was a day for a particular saint which was different every day. It would be celebrated if it was your own saint’s day. Girls had a hard time staying happy in the days where men were in power, where freedom was only to men, and where the Church changed everybody’s lives.