Sunday, February 7, 2010

World War 2 Webquest

1. Go to dictatorship of the Third Reich, and look at the picture. What do you see about Adolf Hitler, how does he feel and why?
2. Read the third paragraph. Why do you think Hitler needed to be so powerful? Write how he would rise to this power, and what he would do with this power?
3. Go to concentration camps and look at the picture. How do you think the Nazi’s made the concentration camps? Give details.
4. Go to World War 2 and look at the picture. How would the people who survived these attacks feel? Describe.
5. Look at the PowerPoint. What do you think about it? Describe.
6. Read Murder of the Disabled, and Persecution and Murder of the Jews. Why do you think the Nazi’s wanted to have a “pure” race? Describe which races were persecuted in this whole idea.
7. Go to and read mobile killing squads. What is a mobile killing squad?
8. Go to killing centers. What is a killing center?
9. Go to and read Rescue. When was the war over?
10. Go to liberation and look at the picture. Describe what you think those children are feeling. Give 3 things that they might worry about.